If ☐ “Advanced feeding times schedule” is NOT checked under My Devices, a start time and end time can be selected per feeding frequency, the intermediate feeding times are then automatically calculated and entered. Feeding moments will then be carried out according to the feeding times set here. Feeding times schedule manual If ☑ “Advanced […]
Specific weight fish food (Fish Feed Manager Basic and Advanced)
In order to be able to give the exact amount of fish food, it is important that the system of the fish food to be used knows the specific weight. To determine the specific weight of the fish food, you can measure 1 liter of fish food using a measuring cup and weigh it on […]
Standard or Mix (Fish Feed Manager Basic and Advanced)
You can select per type of fish food whether it is mixed with another fish food. By checking the check box ☑ Mix, additional fields appear next to the standard fields. There you enter the details of the fish food to be mixed. You can select the percentage of the fish food to be mixed […]
Feed Percentage Calculator (Fish Feed Manager Basic and Advanced)
This calculator is especially useful to calculate in advance the maximum feed percentage of the fish food you would like to use. The calculation uses the current total weight of fish and the required total amount of protein, which is displayed in the Fish Feed Manager information window. By entering the percentage of Crude Protein […]
Amount of Fish Food per Feeding Frequency (Fish Feed Manager Advanced)
This is visible if Device setting Advanced Fish Feed Manager under the tab “My Devices” is enabled. For automatic calculation of the number of Feeding Frequencies, you can select the amount of fish food per Feeding Frequency. By weighing the amount of fish food you would manually feed per feeding and by selecting this weight […]
Water temperature per Type of Fish Feed (Fish Feed Manager Advanced)
This is visible if Device setting Advanced Fish Feed Manager under the tab “My Devices” is enabled. By selecting the feed temperature prescribed by the fish feed manufacturer in the “Feed temperature” field for each type of feed, this feed type is automatically entered in the feed schedule at the correct water temperature. As a […]
Feeding on protein content (Fish Feed Manager Advanced)
This is visible if Device setting Advanced Fish Feed Manager under the tab “My Devices” is enabled. Because the amount of protein that each fish needs is entered in the Fish Management, a total amount of protein is calculated which is required under ideal conditions (such as water temperature, filter capacity, maintenance of the pond […]
Amount of protein per kilogram of fish
In Fish Management, an amount of protein per kilogram of body weight can be selected for each Koi. Below are a number of amounts of protein per kilogram of fish that can be used as a guideline. Ultimately, the quality of the fish food (protein) is an important factor to achieve good results and the […]
Feeding schedule Basic
Feeding schedule Basic is visible if Device setting Advanced Fish Feed Manager under tab “My Devices” is disabled. ❑ Feeding rate ☞ Drop-down menu. Select a percentage here to determine the amount of fish food. You can set this per degree of pond water temperature. Depending on the total weight of fish, you will see […]
Feeding schedule Advanced
Feeding schedule Advanced is visible if Device setting Advanced Fish Feed Manager under the tab “My Devices” is enabled. ❑ Feeding rate ☞ Drop-down menu. Select a percentage here to determine the amount of fish food. You can set this per degree of pond water temperature. ❑ Feeding frequency ☞ Calculated automatically. By selecting an […]